
현실에 적응하는 실사구시의 법학,
다양한 분야 법전공자들의 학제적 연구

The Korean Association of Law and Politics


출판년도 2013 발행호수 제13집 제4호 저자 Shigeru Wakita
자료명 Reformative Trends of Labor Regulation in Japan

Since 1980s, Japan has faced with poor employments aligned with the increasing temporary positions. In addition, working poor class has been expanded after 1990s. Currently, so-called ‘Black Companies,’ which impose heavy workloads to the young, give serious social burdens in the setting of unemployment crisis. With the spread of neo-liberalistic business cultures, the young have magnified anxiety. Abe government tries to solve this problem by introducing the possible policies regarding employment: (1) supporting “transition of employment(layoff)” departing from “maintenance of employment,” (2) expanding “limited permanent position,” (3) loosening regulations on agency workers, and (4) expanding the arbitrary labor system. At the same time, the government works on the special district that is not covered by the labor law jurisdiction. However, these reformative policies cannot be effective solutions for current labor problems in Japan. One of the primary causes is that they incapacitate labor unions.

This article reviews the “Japanese employment practice” in terms of its definition and problem. Furthermore, it criticizes the reformative labor movements of Abe government, which try a fundamental conversion of labor policy.

주제어 Collapse of Employment, Limited Permanent Position, Layoff Regulation, Japanese Employment Practice, Employment Portfolio

 kalp13(4)_con06_Shigeru Wakita.pdf (889.8K) [0]


자료등록 994건
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