
현실에 적응하는 실사구시의 법학,
다양한 분야 법전공자들의 학제적 연구

The Korean Association of Law and Politics


출판년도 2014 발행호수 제14권 제3호 저자 Qu Kun(瞿琨)
자료명 上海自贸区多元纠纷解决机制前瞻
Prospective Study On The Diversified Dispute Resolution Mechanism in Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone

Qu Kun

On  the  basis  of  elaborating  the  basic  establishment  situation  about  the
Shanghai  Pilot  Free  Trade  Zone  and  Its  legal  nature  in  narrow  sense.  This
paper  points  out  that  Shanghai  Pilot  Free  Trade  Zone  is  different  from  the
previous  reform  and  opening  policies  which  are  characterized  by
preferential  treatment.  Shanghai  Pilot  Free  Trade  Zone  turned  to  create
kinds  of  policies  innovation.  The  paper  will  focus  on  construction  and
innovation  of  dispute  settlement  mechanism  in  Shanghai  Pilot  Free  Trade
Zone,  feature  of  dispute  settlement  mechanism  is  geared  to  international
standards as much as possible under the current judicial system. The paper
analyzes the main factors affecting the dispute of Shanghai Pilot Free Trade
Zone  and  Its  possible  types  of  disputes,  proposes  that  we  should  establish
Shanghai  Pilot  Free  Trade  Zone  Multiple  Dispute  Resolution  Mechanism,
aims at coping with the sharp increase of all kinds of disputes happened in
Shanghai  Pilot  Free  Trade  Zone,  and  reducing  Its  trial  pressure.  According
to  the  situation  of  disputes  since  the  establishment  of  the  Shanghai  Pilot
Free  Trade  Zone,  this  paper  analyzes  the  requirement  of  Shanghai  Pilot
Free  Trade  Zone  about  the  dispute  resolution  mechanism.  The  paper  draw
a  conclusion:  Multiple  dispute  resolution  mechanism  in  Shanghai  Pilot  Free
Trade  Zone  should  be  according  to  Its  features  towards  to  provide  legal
protection  and  legal  services,  this  protection  and  services  shall  be constantly  adjust  and  perfect  with  the  development  of  Shanghai  Pilot  Free
Trade  Zone.  The  concrete  frame  of  multiple  dispute  resolution  mechanism
in  Shanghai  Pilot  Free  Trade  Zone  include  court  and  the  lawsuit
procuratorate  agencies  procuratorial  mechanism,  commercial  disputes
arbitration  system,  Shanghai  Pilot  Free  Trade  Zone  commercial  joint
tribunal  and  Shanghai  culture  creative  industry  mechanism  of  intellectual
property  legal  services  platform  mediation  center  system,  Shanghai  Pilot
Free  Trade  Zone  industry  association  dispute  resolution  mechanism  and
multiple  dispute  resolution  mechanism  about  supporting  mechanism  in
Shanghai  Pilot  Free  Trade  Zone.
주제어 Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone, Multiple Dispute Resolution Mechanism, Prospective, System Innovation, Acting on International Convention

 kalp14(3)_2-2-구곤.pdf (2.1M) [0]


자료등록 1,005건
번호 년도 발행호수 제목 저자 조회수 첨부파일
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499 2014 제14권 제3호 上海自贸区多元纠纷解决机制前瞻 Qu Kun(瞿琨) 5294
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